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Sheiling College is not the destination for our students, but a means of getting to their future destination.

We use their time at Sheiling College to prepare them for their transition. It is therefore our priority to establish the future destination and aspirations for each individual. 

We gather this information from the young person’s EHCP and through discussions with them and their families. This information is reviewed regularly and will form part of the student's Study Programme. 

Throughout the three-year programme students will be introduced to different vocational opportunities and living placements to support them in identifying preferences as they prepare for adulthood. 

In their final year at college particular focus is directed towards transition. Our Transitions and Referrals Officer works with Local Authorities, the families of the young person, teaching staff and of course, the student to identify the most appropriate pathway to their next placement. 

Our college prides itself on working closely with future vocational and living placements and uses this to great advantage when supporting one of our students as they transition into their future adult life.