Eurythmy Therapy
Eurythmy Therapy is a movement therapy in which the student is invited to consciously engage in a process towards achieving balance and good health. The underlying philosophy highlights the importance of equilibrium, balance, within the individual on all levels: physically, emotionally, spiritually. Participation can promote health as well as work preventatively.
The students are encouraged to practice a range of eurythmy exercises within sessions. The movements are often supported by elements of spoken language, like rhythmical verses, consonant and vowel sounds. Musical elements can also be used, with lyre play or other instruments.
Generally, work is undertaken individually with the therapist, usually over a term or half-term, with sessions taking place several times per week. Eurythmy Therapy can address a very broad range of conditions including stress, anxiety, developmental problems, digestive disorders, sleep disorders, enuresis, and many more.
Outcomes from Eurythmy Therapy can include
- Strengthening a sense of well-being and self-confidence
- Promoting health
- Enhance breathing, and/or circulation
- Reduce anxiety
- Improved capacity or readiness to engage with tasks and learning, improving concentration
- Improve posture, gross as well as fine motor skills, mobility, spatial orientation, rhythm, and more
- Improvements to defined medical and psychological difficulties and conditions
- Influencing a particular one-sidedness which may have developed in the constitution and body orientation
as well as in habits and inner attitudes, hence restoring the balance