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Employer Page

Vocation and Work Experience

Claire Mitchell, Work Experience Coordinator

My aim as the work experience coordinator is to provide our students, aged 19-25, with vocational experiences and opportunities to engage with various employers and job roles – to empower them to move onto their adult lives, confident that they have the right to the same opportunities as those without special educational needs and the relevant skills to pursue them.


How you can support our students as an employer

Group Visits
A chance for a small group of learners to visit the workplace, be shown around and given some information about various job roles.

Taster Sessions
An opportunity for one or two learners (with support staff) to participate in a few tasks within your workplace, to gain an insight into the job and what is expected of them as an employee (one morning or afternoon)

Work Experience Placements
The chance for one learner (and their support staff) to access a work place one morning or afternoon a week, for up to 6 weeks.  An opportunity to gain more of an insight into a working role, whilst gaining skills and related benefits such as increased confidence, a sense of well-being and pride in completing a task or project in the workplace! 


How offering opportunities will benefit you as an employer

You’ll get an increased understanding of learning disability and diversity, useful for your workforce but also for understanding your customers with a variety of needs.

New ideas and perspectives

Opportunities to develop the skills and attitudes of staff

Promoting workforce diversity

Enhancing your public profile by supporting your local community


Careers Live as an Employer

Browse videos and information from other employers, use the online chat function to ask questions and much more on our Learn Live UK careers page. Contact us if you would like to appear on our The Sheiling Ringwood Learn Live UK careers page.


To find out more or arrange a visit to our college

Claire Mitchell – College Work Experience Coordinator 

Call 01425 482498



Call 01425 477488