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Capital Appeals

New Classroom Appeal

Help us raise the £900k needed to fund the construction of a purpose-designed double classroom!
Currently, we are unable to accept all student applications received due to lack of space. As school places in specialist settings locally and nationally are very limited, the reality for many children with SEND is that, unless a specialist school place is found, they may have to continue within mainstream or alternative provision settings.
We intend to construct a new eco double classroom for Sheiling School, increasing the school’s capacity by an additional 6-8 students. The single storey building will include quiet rooms, break out areas, outdoor workspaces and workstations. Built by a local company and sourcing local materials, the building will boast triple glazing, a ground source heat pump and will be purpose designed for our students’ sensory needs.

This state-of-the-art building will help students for decades to come, providing the best possible learning environment for our young people.

The new classrooms have been designed following guidance on best practice from the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) Sensory Spaces in Schools and will make it easier for students to regulate their emotions, engage in learning and have better long-term outcomes in adulthood.

Please get in touch with us if you would like to make a donation or visit JustGiving.

Contact or call 01425 477488.

'The new building will hugely benefit both our existing and new SEND students. We're currently unable to accept all the applications we receive due to lack of space. As school places in specialist settings both locally and nationally are very limited, the reality for many students is that, unless a specialist school setting is found, they may have to continue within mainstream or Alternative Provision settings. Often, for students with the level of complexity we support, such arrangements can be detrimental to their education in general and can reduce their engagement with school, leading to issues such as school avoidance, lack of attendance, or increased emotional wellbeing or behavioural issues.

Andy Walters, Head of Sheiling School

We are grateful to the ongoing commitment of our existing supporters, and we are relying on your continuing generosity to reach our remaining target.

Donate to our New Classroom Appeal


Your donation will help to provide opportunities that give our children and young people a chance at a more independent life. Thank you